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The Miami Plumber’s Failproof Guide for Hot Water Heater Installers


Plumber inspecting water heaterWater heaters are plumbing appliances that are worthy of your hard-earned money. They are not only important because we need hot water everyday but also because they lessen the amount of energy and time you’ll have to spend to acquire hot water in the first place. Because of the water heater, you won’t have to put water in a kettle and heat it over the stove just so you can clean your pots; wash your dirty clothes or take a warm bath. All you have to do is turn your plumbing fixtures and appliances on and you’ll get hot water in an instant. Moving forward, we always share plumbing tips and advice on our blogs in case you’re into DIY installations and repairs. However, please note that when it comes to appliances like the water heater, it is best to let professional plumbers take care of the project. For DIY enthusiasts, on the other hand, here are some tips that will help you successfully install water heaters.

1. Dielectric Unions

If your water heater has a tank that features copper or brass connectors and the plumbing lines you have at home are made from copper as well, then there’s nothing to worry about. However, if the tank’s water supply lines or nipples are made from galvanized steel and your plumbing lines at home are made from copper, then you must pay more attention to the connections you’ll create. You’ll have to use dielectric unions for such types of connections to prevent corrosion.

2. Soldering

Soldering connections are inevitable especially if when connecting the water heater to your water supply pipes. Just make sure that you won’t solder near the tank. As we all know, high amount of heat is produced when soldering and it can melt the fittings you’ll use. You can just work on the connections on a designated area or workbench far from the heating system.

3. Secure The Tank

If you’re trying to install a tank-type heater, make sure that you’ll create a secure frame to keep it in place. This must be done most especially when you live in an area that’s prone to earthquakes. You should guarantee that it will not tip or wobble during seismic activities. This way, you’ll avoid accidents that may not only damage your properties but also put the lives of your loved ones at risk.

4. Temperature & Pressure Valve Overflow Tube

The water heater’s T&P Valve (Temperature and Pressure) opens whenever the tank exceeds its temp and pressure limit. To avoid scalding accidents and prevent the valve from opening improperly, it should be attached to a pipe that measures up to 6 inches from the floor. This is referred to as the overflow tube and it will be responsible for the proper functioning of the T&P valve.

We hope that you loved these tips for hot water heater installers that we shared today. If you need a water heating system installed in your home, just call your trusted Fort Lauderdale plumber. Douglas Orr Plumbing delivers top-notch plumbing services in Fort Lauderdale FL including water heater service, leak detection, backflow prevention, bathroom remodeling, kitchen remodeling and many more! Call us at }to schedule a service!
