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The Stress Relievers Support God’s Little Acres’ Thanksgiving Food Boxes Drive


Thanksgiving is coming and we’re pretty sure that you’re all excited to spend it with your loved ones, especially your kids. They look forward to a sumptuous dinner starred by a delicious turkey roast and accompanied by other equally delightful dishes. You’re lucky if your kids are healthy and happy because they’ll make this much-awaited holiday even more enjoyable. Unfortunately, there are families out there whose kids are terminally ill and developmentally disabled. But who’s to say that sickness can prevent them from having fun with their loved ones?

Thanks to God’s Little Acres, a non-profit charity organization in Florida, children who are seriously ill are provided an escape from the typical hospital surroundings that remind them of their situation. The organization offers recreational opportunities for these kids and their families including hay rides, miniature horses, petting zoo, entertainment programs, clown shows, yummy lunches as well as special gifts that can add a little happiness in their lives. And this month, Douglas Orr Plumbing, together with The Stress Relievers, is supporting the non-profit’s cause.

The Stress Relievers Support God’s Little Acres’ Thanksgiving Food Boxes Drive

For our November Happy Hour, we are asking you to help The Stress Relievers in supporting God’s Little Acres’ Thanksgiving Food Boxes Drive. They are collecting food items so that they can put together 80 food baskets for the families that they support. Donations will be accepted on Wednesday, November 12, 2014 from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM EST. The event will take place in Maguires Hill 16, 535 N Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301. Click the map below for driving directions.

What Can You Do To Help?

Property managers and board members are qualified to register and attend the Stress Relievers’ November Happy Hour. We apologize but NO VENDORS/PROVIDERS OF OTHER SERVICES can take part in this event. To register, simply provide all the required information in the online registration form; print it out and bring a hard copy with you on the day itself. Please don’t forget to bring items for the Thanksgiving Food Boxes Drive to help make the holiday enjoyable for the kids and families supported by God’s Little Acres. For every item you’ll bring, we’ll give you an additional free drink tix, maximum of three per person.

Here are the items that we’ll collect during the Happy Hour:

* canned whole kernel corn

* canned green beans

* canned yams / sweet potatoes

* canned pumpkin

* corn bread or biscuit mix

* cranberry sauce

* jars of ready-made turkey gravy

* box of turkey stuffing mix

* box of instant mashed potatoes

* turkey or chicken broth

* disposable turkey roasting pan

Who Are The Stress Relievers?

The Stress Relievers is an informal group of family-owned companies that deliver services to property managers, building owners and board members in Miami Dade, Broward and Palm Beach County. The group is driven by the goal of creating enjoyable and yet enlightening events that focus on the improvement of life in the community. We started out through “meet-and-greet” events which later on developed into activities and programs that increase social awareness and center on pushing towards remarkable causes. Today, the group is comprised of Best Roofing, Elcon Electric, Driveway Maintenance, Glazer & Associates, P.A., Scarr Insurance Group, Service Master 24/7 and yours truly, Douglas Orr Plumbing.

click here to register
