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Electric Hot Water Heater Troubleshooting Guide

Douglas Orr Plumbing Inc.

Have you experienced problems with your water heater? What did you do? Did you just leave it off and put up without hot water in your home? Did you try to see whatever caused the problem? Actually, we suggest that if you’re not really a DIY enthusiast or if you do not have basic handyman skills, that you leave such a problem to the professionals. As you can see, your water heater is powered by electricity (or gas) and it is exposed to or contain water. Electricity and water is a bad combination and we don’t want you to get electrocuted. But if you really want to learn basic water heater troubleshooting, read on and get all the helpful information from this guide!

1. Before tinkering with your water heater, don’t ever forget to turn the circuit breaker or fuse off. Again, please don’t invite accidents. The appliance should not be on while you’re checking on it unless you want to get toasted.

2. Some of the problems that you’ll encounter with electric hot water heaters include but are not limited to:

* high-pitch whining

*low rumbling or popping sounds

* rotten egg odor

* rust-colored water

* leaky pipe connections

* leaky storage tank

* water is too hot

* inadequate hot water supply

* no hot water at all

3. If you’re not getting any hot water from your taps, there could be a problem with your water heater’s circuit breaker or fuse; the electric thermostat may be faulty or the upper heating element has malfunctioned.

4. If you’re getting hot water but the supply is not enough, it’s possible that your heater is undersized for your home’s demands; or that you have a faulty plumbing installation or the upper or lower heating element of your system may also be faulty.

5. If the water is too hot already, just check the setting of your heating system’s thermostat. If it’s set correctly, then there’s probably something wrong with the thermostat itself.

6. When it comes to leaks, first check the water heater’s T&P valve. It may be faulty and if it is, excessive pressure or overheating occurs. Leaks may also be found near plumbing connections, heating elements and even in the tank.

7. When the water is rust-colored, check your tank’s anode rod. It may already be corroded. Also, have the glass lining of the tank checked because it’s also prone to rusting.

8. Rotten egg odor indicates the presence of bacteria. This can be fixed by flushing the tank and cleaning it with a hydrogen peroxide solution.

9. Low rumbling or popping noises are indicative of sediment buildup at the bottom of your tank. These substances cause overheating which results to the weird sounds you hear. Simply flush the tank to get rid of the noise.

We hope that you found our water heater troubleshooting tips helpful! If you need professional plumbing help, just hire the most trustworthy Miami Shores Village plumber! Douglas Orr Plumbing delivers exceptional plumbing services in Miami Shores Villageincluding water heater service, home remodeling, backflow prevention, leak detection and many more! Call us now at (305) 240-6731!

Planning to buy a new water heater for your home? Watch this video now and get awesome tips!
